By josephine wong suk mun
Two weeks left to my study break =)
So what have I been doing to fully utilize my free time, although I am not exactly free, shouldn't be free... but to do my revision! Oh well. I worked part-time as a promoter, easy job and I get to earn money while dreaming. The bad side would be standing the whole day while friends enjoying themselves... without me.
I could say my past week consists of fever, flu, cough, communing with nature and people... Oh yeah, I am back in Ipoh. Doing nothing special, which is obvious since I can have the time to blog. Been eating extremely alot, and I do mean A LOT. Yes, I am already feeling the weight. Shucks, think I'll continue some other time. Not really in the mood, sleepy.
To a friend, however...
get well soon
I think I might have spread the germs to you.
Heh. Sorry.
By josephine wong suk mun
for those who missed it in EPOH...
the tea ceremony

yep... it was a good day to be cheeky!

guhon heng-dai's angpow

our NO. 1 negotiator
By josephine wong suk mun
the 1st, official ceremony, the akad nikah

preparing, in the wee hours...

me trying to be alert :) (cos in other pictures, i looked seriously gloomy!)

what i do not like doing most... brrr
By josephine wong suk mun
Where did I hang out the whole night?
YES! I was THAT bored. I haven't been into the website for ages and I can't believe I actually did that. No offence to you friendster lovers but its just not my cup of tea.
So anyway, I was doing what everyone else does when they logged into friendster. View pictures randomly. Guess what I found. Some pictures that I took, without me (of course) and... thinks I have such photographing skills. *sighs*
Didn't realize that my cousin niece is in my friends' list. =.= What have I been doing? Anyways, its nice checking out how my friends whom I haven't seen for eons... through their pictures of course. Some got awfully thin, married(!!!) and some, still the same. Some are doing pretty well in their work, having lots of fun...
I want that too.
Ahahahah... whatever it is, the best part is... I get to send a message to those long-lost friends aka change phone number peeps and MIA ones.
p/s: whats with taking pictures in front of a designer store?
By josephine wong suk mun
Unlike that infamous cat, I actually like Mondays. Somehow, today just doesn't seem right. A friend called me emo. Maybe I am just that.
Spent another slow weekend. Welcome to Sg. Long, where you can find nothing much to do besides eating, sleeping, watching raindrops fall and of course, a game of golf, if you are that keen to play. Not forgetting that this small, unknown-to-many township made headlines last week with the murdered case of a student from my university. Think it kinda made a lot of parents whose daughters, especially, studying here, worried. A fine example, yours truly. My dad have been telling me how I should becareful, going out alone, and many more that I have heard a zillion time. Can't blame 'em, I mean, the world is not getting any safer. Precautions are better than none. However, we cannot deny the fact that every incident occurred because of no safety precautions... (did I get that right?)
Anyways, I am done with assignments and tests for this semester. Now, I have so much time to kill, and I don't know what I can do besides listening to Jason Mraz all day long, and sleep. I should start on one of my subjects, which I did not listen since two semesters ago and sadly, it is one of those that you need to know the basic before going on to the next. Its the third one now. Okay, I feel motivated now. I'll start... next week.
Like I was saying, today is just not the day for me.
Found an interesting move. Lions for Lambs. Not a fan of Tom Cruise but it looks good. Zzzz, this is what happen when you are too bored =/