words. words. WORDS. Feelings. Thoughts. Emotions.

By josephine wong suk mun
There are so many things I want to do.

I want to…

1. make big bucks
2. make it big in the corporate world
3. repay all my financial loans
4. get a 1st class honours
5. make a difference
6. see the people I missed the most
7. learn making ice-cream
8. go on a holiday alone
9. learn dancing
10. make new friends
11. go to somewhere new
12. play bowling
13. watch movies
14. watch aeroplanes
15. do something worthy
16. get that dress that I’ve been looking at for ages
17. be like her
18. know why the world is like this
19. eat and never get fat
20. have patience, and lots of love
21. swim
22. turn back time
23. build relationships
24. have fun
25. grow old gracefully
26. have people praising me for the things I’ve done
27. be acknowledge for my friendship
28. fall in love and get married
29. be generous
30. make an extra effort in everything
31. watching raindrops by the window pane with him

Darn. I am so selfish. Tsk tsk.

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous May 10, 2007 at 1:04 AM
    No u are not..!
    every1 deserve to have their own list of 'i want to...' =D

Something to say?