By josephine wong suk mun
Its the last day of 2007!WHERE are you PARTYING tonight?I am at *sobs* the miserable office in midvalley. Looks like the party here tonight is going to be HUGE. It probably be the same everywhere. For a whooping rm75. No thanks.I'll prefer to pay more and have dinner and music at Alexis.Unfortunately, that is not going to happen.How are you going to spend your New Year's Eve?Shop for last minute bargains? (is there such thing?)Or maybe do what everyone else is doing, reminiscing what you should have done and should not?I think I'll prefer to look ahead and make resolutions!Resolutions for 20081. Keeping them!2. Love myself MORE 3. Quit saying words like "shit", "damn" and "STUPID" (too negative & addictive)4. Be healthy, workout more5. Save money6. Adopt a better sense of style ( I hate wardrobe malfunctions)7. Do my part in this world (whatever it may be)8. Treat my family and friends BETTER9. Be humble10. Get thin!Gee, sounds difficult to me. Heh.LET THERE BE LOVE
Let there be you,
Let there be me
Let there be oysters
Under the sea
Let there be wind,
An occasional rain
Chile con carne,
Sparkling champagne
Let there be birds
To sing in the trees
Someone to bless me
Whenever I sneeze
Let there be cuckoos.
A lark and a dove,
But first of all, please
Let there be love
Let there be cuckoos.
A lark and a dove,
But first of all, please
Let there be love
Hmmm umm... love
Hmmm umm... love
Let there be love.
Spread some love y'all!
Have a blasting NEW YEAR!
By josephine wong suk mun
By request...
Today I talked to lengchai kahkian a.k.a RUBY on msn.
I wish I am a geek. I absolutely NO idea how to fix a new template. Hence, it became what it is now.
By josephine wong suk mun
By josephine wong suk mun
Yes, I went back to Ipoh, as mentioned earlier. I was supposed to come back to KL earlier, but oh well, last minute changes.
I might sound a bit depressed previously, but FEAR NOT. I am alright, probably because of the air in Ipoh together with a couple of mini anger management session at home.
It was CHRISTMAS! Not as exciting compared to previous years but it was great meeting you guys back home~ Christmas drama was different this year. The cast mainly consists of kids from the children church. It was about this little angel boy called "Hark". If you remember one of the christmas carols, Hark The Herald... well yes, thats the one. He was cute, wonder whose kid. Chubby with specs. The typical cheeky boy! I am no fan of children but looking at them reminds you of how much God wants us to have child-like faith, believing Him when things go wrong. Ahh.
The gang grew smaller this time back home. Most of them are not around probably because church service started as early as 8pm when most families will have their Christmas gatherings and dinners. We were definately outnumbered by the youth. No group pictures this year because somehow, no one remembers to bring a camera ^^ We went ahead to our usual spot, where there are ample parking space and most importantly, AIR-CON. Sidewalk is always filled with families or friends who just want to chill and have ice-cream at the same time. It always have that homey feel, but they got to do something about their service. Well, Ipoh. You don't find stand-alone Baskin Robbins or Haagen Daaz, too commercialized.
As the night was still early, we decided to taste the durian that fell down on gshyn's garden. He claimed it can FEED THE NATION. I have not tasted durian for a long time, mainly because I am lazy and I eat too slow. Stupid reason. Heh. The rest of them watched football replays and you can see me there, trying very hard to look interested. I wouldn't want to be a cold blanket until shaun asked. Gee, I didn't know it was that obvious. So, thats how we ushered in Christmas Day, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The rest of the days? Sleepy afternoons and sleepless nights. Hooked on AFC almost the whole day. Impromptu karaoke session after midnight. I feel so broke. And yumcha and yumcha.
By the way, the newly renovated Jusco is confusing. I couldn't find Guardian. =.=
By josephine wong suk mun
Its fun hanging out with you.
After almost 5 years.
Although you bored me with your philosophic talk, but I did listen!
Its great that even though we hardly keep in touch, it proves that we don't really need to because we can still talk so much.
I am so proud with the fact that you are on your way pursuing your dreams.
I do realize however, we haven't took a single picture since we were 17.
We do SERIOUSLY need to take at least one before you leave to Penang or Singapore.
I had to steal this from the ONE IN A MILLION website
All the best for tonight's show!
By josephine wong suk mun
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love Even more than I usually do And although I know it's a long road back I promise you I'll be home for Christmas You can count on me Please have snow and mistletoe And presents by the tree Christmas eve will find me Where the love light gleams I'll be home for Christmas If only in my dreams I'll be home for Christmas You can count on me Please have some snow and mistletoe And presents by the tree Christmas eve will find me Where the love light gleams I'll be home for Christmas If only in my dreams If only in my dreams*Michael Buble's version
By josephine wong suk mun
So what would you do when one fine day, you discovered a friend whom you put so much trust on, only to realize that you do not really know this person after all?
What would you do if you struggle to believe everything you know about this person, only to remember that previous incidents forced you to go astray?
What would you do when people keep feeding stories into your head and you start to doubt the sincerity of this person?
What would you do when a little voice in head urged you to believe?
What would you do when your heart beats to believe that everything happened was a lie, everything you learn to care for is not real at all?
What would you do when you actually believe because believing is so much easier than being hurt?
What would you do, if you are me?
By josephine wong suk mun
Remember the story of Jesus with 5 loaves of bread and er... was it a basket of bread and 5 fishes?
Yes, its that one where He performed a miracle by feeding thousands with just the limited supply of food at ______ (I am BAD in bible knowledge). This is also one of the stories that remind us not to worry about our lives as long as we put our trust and hang on to Him.
BUT have you heard the other story about Jesus with bread and PIGS? It happened in Suzhou, China apparently.
According to this:
By josephine wong suk mun
I want premier tickets to National Treasure II.
But I got a paper on Wednesday.
And I am too kiasu to ask my colleague for it.
I realized, sadly, JUST realized movie tickets are so costly. At least RM10 per ticket. Its actually not so bad but if you would take time to count the number of times you've been in the cinema, WHOA, thats a lot of money.
I want free movie tickets because there are so many good movies out end of the year. It happens every year and everytime I am broke, especially in December. Thats why you will not see me participating any Christmas sales that sort. Yes, I may just bought some stuffs earlier on, BUT ITS NOT THE SAME.
Anyways, had a paper yesterday which I think at least 40% filled with care-FREE answers, 30% of tell-it-like-my-own, and 20% accuracy. I hope I got my statistics right. I still have that Moral paper coming up which I do not intend to revise until the day before. I've already got warnings about the difficulty of the paper but I am just not bothered. In fact, it happens to be the most unlikable subject on my list.
Yes, I am IMMORAL.
I've been craving for mexican food for the longest time. I must HAVE it!
In the meantime, I bid adieu. I need to fantasize myself having it. Sounds nuts, but yeah. I have nothing else better to do.
By josephine wong suk mun
I want to do so many things.
I want to re-do my collage on the top here. Want to put in more recent pictures. Its getting boring.
I wanna say more, but I am tired. *yawns*
Probably more in the morning, while at work. HEH.
By josephine wong suk mun
What happen to the good old days when drama series are not so complicated?
What happen to good dramas like ER?
Now, producers probably cooked up some scheme to ensure that you get addicted episode by episode and when you thought it was climax, BOOM! Its the last episode of the season.
Ohh... I just hate it when that happens. What am I talking about? It just did! Yes, I am talking about HEROES. How can they just end the whole season with episode 11? Boo.
Probably due to the writers' strike in America. Still.
By josephine wong suk mun
It was my first time driving to shah alam to go to tv3 sri pentas 2 for one in a million, top 12. As I have never really been there before, it was therefore a foreign land. I had to google the map (which was not helpful at all) and made calls for directions. So, I dragged leeping along as we were supposed to have dinner together to go for it.
Why was I there? A good friend of mine made it into top20 and she kills me if I don't show up this time. Er, previously when she was in ATQ '07, I sort of ffk her many times. Since I was free, why not? She asked us to be there by 7pm, but heh, I started my journey only at that time.
It was a tough ride considering the mild jam at federal highway and after a few wrong turns, we finally reach there, 15 minutes before 8pm. We took the 15 minutes searching and asking where is sri pentas and all and it seemed we were just in time before they close the door. As usual, Malaysian timing, they never seem to start on time. We waited and waited with stupid spotlights shining on us. I actually wonder will I get darker once the whole thing is over.
I had no idea why the dude placed us with supporters of another contestant and not bring us to our designated seats. You see, usually they segregate the seats for different contestant. We ended up with a bunch of Sarawakians, or Sabah-ians, I don't know, sitting in front of us, and they are huge people. With shades.
Joni sang a song by Juwita and she chose a contemporary gospel song. She sang she purposely chose this but no time to explain to me why. Guess its just a way to glorify God and she nailed it! We were so excited waiting for her turn and she kept trying to see where we are. Must be a shocker to her when she cannot detect us.
The whole thing ended quite late. We both have work the next morning but have to wait for her because of picture taking of the top12. Then finally came the part where she said "Hey, don't go back first. They want to interview you guys". *sweats*
After many protests, we were dragged to do it and honestly, I really didn't know what to say. I mean, I haven't been hanging out with her since we were 17 and I don't really know how it has been for her. So there, I blew it. My first chance on TV and it was horrible. Sobs.
Anyways, do keep her in your prayers and DO vote for her =)
And oh, did I mention, shes the only chinese in the top12?
By josephine wong suk mun
I want a pet. Really. After The Golden Compass.
Not DAEMON, but a PET.
Especially this.
By josephine wong suk mun
He walked in with his mate, with popcorn and all sort of junk.
Seriously, why would you need so much snack for a movie?
He sat down and lifted both feet up on the chair and smells like something DIED in there.
*yawns* When are the trailers coming out?
*lights dimmed*
Shoez: You ja popcorn nak?
Jaded: HUH? (literally, couldn't even catch a word he is trying to say)
Shoez: You nak popcorn tak?
Jaded: (giving the polite look) No, thank you.
He continued making lots of noise and shook the chair which happen to shook mine too throughout the whole movie.
By josephine wong suk mun
It was 24th NOVEMBER 2007.
Christian Fellowship of Faculty of Accountancy and Management aka FAM organized a christmas "musical" nite for the first time. Preparation took basically the whole semester, from planning, getting approval, fund-raising, doing decorations, practices, scouting for costumes and finally to the day itself. It took a lot of our time, sacrificing time with friends but God made it for the better by building better relationships among the CF-ians! I miss hanging out with my friends but I supposed its just different.
Anyways, it was my first time acting on stage and learning the dance moves in less than 5 days. Heh. By God's grace, everything was fine on the performance night itself even though practices sucked big time.

One of the many trees

the gigantic cane and fireplace

The stage on the night itself...

With the decorations on the ceiling

the "giant" christmas tree for backdrop

Polly, the drama director

Justin as Calvin Klein

Jacy, one of the "ornaments" & my ex-assistant

SukTeng, one of the carollers

The drama team

The ones behind it all
For more videos or pictures, click
By josephine wong suk mun

I had tickets for Live & Loud to see Whitney Houston, Elliot Yamin... but I couldn't go because my parents were here. Why were they here? To celebrate my mom's belated birthday. Talk about BAD timing.
Sunday was awesome. I was at FJ Benjamin sale!!! I got lingerie for you-wouldn't-believe-it and shirts from Raoul. Lingerie was soo cheap and my colleague, Veronica actually got like a year supply of them. =_=" I wished I had her stamina, but I couldn't. Crowd was too big.
That's it. I am broke. I am only left with money that is enough to last me probably two weeks inclusive of food. I think, if I survive on Gardenia bread loaf only.
I've been depressed the past few weeks, still feeling the aftermath. I am not sure why I had the depression but probably it was contributed by many factors. I was very busy those past few weeks. Lack of good sleep, haven't been eating well, and a thang of loneliness. It was Ps Chris who mentioned before what it means to be "broken people". They are simply people whose lives are broken due to their past, their experiences which was so painful that it totally turn their lives around. I am afraid becoming like them. These are the people where you need to shower them with love and care, which I wouldn't mind doing. But if one day, I am one of them, will I get such treatment from friends and family or will they just shun me?
I remember myself once shying away from friends, and turned out not many of them actually cared. Sad, but its true. Some people will only include you in their lives if your presence is seen. If you just stop hanging out with them, they probably don't even notice you are gone.
Probably I should look ahead and enjoy this holiday before I join the employment team. I mean, it will get worse when you start working. So why bother moping over petty issues like these?
Confused, yours truly