broke and broken

I had tickets for Live & Loud to see Whitney Houston, Elliot Yamin... but I couldn't go because my parents were here. Why were they here? To celebrate my mom's belated birthday. Talk about BAD timing.
Sunday was awesome. I was at FJ Benjamin sale!!! I got lingerie for you-wouldn't-believe-it and shirts from Raoul. Lingerie was soo cheap and my colleague, Veronica actually got like a year supply of them. =_=" I wished I had her stamina, but I couldn't. Crowd was too big.
That's it. I am broke. I am only left with money that is enough to last me probably two weeks inclusive of food. I think, if I survive on Gardenia bread loaf only.
I've been depressed the past few weeks, still feeling the aftermath. I am not sure why I had the depression but probably it was contributed by many factors. I was very busy those past few weeks. Lack of good sleep, haven't been eating well, and a thang of loneliness. It was Ps Chris who mentioned before what it means to be "broken people". They are simply people whose lives are broken due to their past, their experiences which was so painful that it totally turn their lives around. I am afraid becoming like them. These are the people where you need to shower them with love and care, which I wouldn't mind doing. But if one day, I am one of them, will I get such treatment from friends and family or will they just shun me?
I remember myself once shying away from friends, and turned out not many of them actually cared. Sad, but its true. Some people will only include you in their lives if your presence is seen. If you just stop hanging out with them, they probably don't even notice you are gone.
Probably I should look ahead and enjoy this holiday before I join the employment team. I mean, it will get worse when you start working. So why bother moping over petty issues like these?
Confused, yours truly
Sunday was awesome. I was at FJ Benjamin sale!!! I got lingerie for you-wouldn't-believe-it and shirts from Raoul. Lingerie was soo cheap and my colleague, Veronica actually got like a year supply of them. =_=" I wished I had her stamina, but I couldn't. Crowd was too big.
That's it. I am broke. I am only left with money that is enough to last me probably two weeks inclusive of food. I think, if I survive on Gardenia bread loaf only.
I've been depressed the past few weeks, still feeling the aftermath. I am not sure why I had the depression but probably it was contributed by many factors. I was very busy those past few weeks. Lack of good sleep, haven't been eating well, and a thang of loneliness. It was Ps Chris who mentioned before what it means to be "broken people". They are simply people whose lives are broken due to their past, their experiences which was so painful that it totally turn their lives around. I am afraid becoming like them. These are the people where you need to shower them with love and care, which I wouldn't mind doing. But if one day, I am one of them, will I get such treatment from friends and family or will they just shun me?
I remember myself once shying away from friends, and turned out not many of them actually cared. Sad, but its true. Some people will only include you in their lives if your presence is seen. If you just stop hanging out with them, they probably don't even notice you are gone.
Probably I should look ahead and enjoy this holiday before I join the employment team. I mean, it will get worse when you start working. So why bother moping over petty issues like these?
Confused, yours truly