By josephine wong suk mun
They say that falling in love is wonderful
It's wonderful, so they say.
And with a moon up above it's wonderful
It's wonderful, so they tell me.
I can't recall who said it
I know I never read it
I only know that falling in love is grand
And the thing that's known as romance
Is wonderful, wonderful
In every way
So they say
Rumors fly and they often leave without
But you've come to the right place to find out
Ev'rything that you've heard is really so
I've been there once or twice and I should know
You'll find that falling in love is wonderful
It's wonderful, as they say
And with a moon up above it's wonderful
It's wonderful, as they tell you
You'll leave your house a morning
And without any warning
You're stopping people shouting that love is grand
And to hold a man in your arms
Is wonderful, wonderful
In every way
By josephine wong suk mun
I got my first case today! After days of pestering and complaining, my boss finally realize my existence! We had a group meeting and finally I was assigned with a mentor. But she left for course. Leaving me all alone to process the case. And it had to be a complicated one too.
Fortunately I have Danny who happened to be sitting just in front of me, only for today because I was terrorizing my mentor's place. Heehee. He didn't have any case and he helped by clarifying certain things.
Finally I feel more productive today.
I need a break. Perhaps I should apply for annual leave. Just to relax and sleep late for once! Nowadays I cannot even sleep past 9am on weekends. BAH. And my boss said we should take more annual leave. For us trainees, there is not much to do. Haha. I have a cool boss.
By josephine wong suk mun
You were trying to sleep, like every other night.
Plus it was 2 am plus. Dead tired after a week's long of work. Alongside with friends that couldn't stop entertaining you the whole night long. Yes, awfully tired. By right, you'll grab the pillow and just throw yourself on bed and zonk off.
Somehow, you just couldn't sleep. You kept tossing and turning, hoping your mind will realize that you are actually VERY TIRED. Instead, a gush of memories came rushing back to you and not even a single detail was left out. You open your eyes, trying hard not to focus but betrayed by your heavy eyelids. You became amazed at how much you remember. It was all in a time sequence, from the very beginning till the end of it all.
And you thought you have finally let it go.
And you could only cry yourself to sleep, breaking it all out. Or numb yourself with alcohol.
By josephine wong suk mun
The weekend was indeed rewarding after a long week of troubling thoughts.
Watched KUNGFU PANDA which was full with AWESOMENESS! *laughs*
Went back to Sg Long for church and met up with a few of them. I also managed to go Bangkok Jazz to sort of like support Elliot and his band with the gang. Apparently, Joel was there too! We only found out the next day. Talk about what a small world! At least I get to meet Bryan just in case I do not see him again before his next flight back.
Sunday was practically my favourite day. LAZY SUNDAY! Literally. I didn't go out but just lie down and flipping tv channels whole day long. I didn't even bother eating. Only had lunch and thats it.
Gee, now that I am working, I can't find much to talk about besides my daily routine. This is so boring.
By josephine wong suk mun
To wrap up my weekdays for the week... It has been... pretty depressing.
I was kinda upset the last few days over a particular issue. Its weird sometimes how badly you want something, hoping to get something and not getting it upsets you. What is even weirder is when you want that something and you actually got it, you end up being depressed because you don't know how to make a choice.
So you start by doing what you learnt in school or uni. Divide the pros and cons and come up with alternatives and choose the best choice in the end. That will not work because we humans, especially girls, are driven by feelings, strongly. I couldn't sleep, work, eat because distracted by the issue.
The worst part is, you could not even find anyone to talk to! Your best friend? I don't want to stress him out. Your good friends? I don't want so many people to know about it yet. Its so hard to keep it all inside when you are really drowning yourself in sorrows.
Mr Chuah's retirement dinner was alright. The dessert was good, the rest... no comment. Guess the highlight was when the guys went up to sing You're Beautiful by James Blunt. It was so hilarious when they couldn't reach the note. What to do when you are only a GT?
I am actually starting to enjoy my work more now. I mean, people wise. I am starting to get along with most of them better now including my seniors. My boss is like the coolest dude around. Its all nice but... I do not really like what I am doing. I really don't know what to do.
By josephine wong suk mun
How do you handle a bad day?
I supposed through day dreaming, slacking at work, getting lost in traffic... basically like that.
Now I understand why they say, "get a rich husband".
By josephine wong suk mun
Weekends just seem to pass by extremely fast when you start working. It used to be casual weekends where I'll slack and not in a hurry to do anything else. I miss those days!
Now I get to see jianyi everyday in the morning for breakfast because he happens to work at the same place with me. I know, what coincidence right? All of a sudden we became best friends. *laughs* This is because back in uni, we hardly talk and never hang out before unless doing CF activities. Weird how God arrange everything His way.
I cannot wait for 25th. BECAUSE my pay will be out then! WooHOO! But shucks, its only the 8th today.
Whats going on for me this week includes meeting up the choreographer for audition. It is for the annual dinner, and we trainees from the Credit Operations Division along with some others have to do performances. I don't get it at all. Is it a sign asking me to join the creative ministry? Coming friday, I will get the chance to mingle more with my seniors and bosses as one of the senior managers are retiring and the dinner is going to be in Renaissance KL. Yumm... I'll be having salmon.
And oh, perhaps some of you may ask how my UOB interview went?
I totally crapped too much. Its... a long story. The outcome will be revealed in this week too. Lots of happenings in the coming week. But I think I had a great head start. Started the week off by visiting SIB today and learnt some new stuffs and met new people. Looks like my week might not be that bad after all.
I hate to admit, but I am already missing some of you all, alot. To my juniors, have fun in uni, lepakking without me. Boo. To my friends whether you are working or still searching for a job, all the best and do meet up once in a while yea? And stop asking me to treat you guys. ==
By josephine wong suk mun
I slipped and fell in the bathroom.
I know, stupid right?
My left hand hurts a lot. Ughh.
First week of work was boring. Basically reading and understanding the job scope. Sad to say, I do not really like the job. Oh, I don't know. I am trying to convince myself to be ignorant. The people are really nice, everyone of them. Its just that... *sighs*
By josephine wong suk mun
I want to do kindergarden all over again.
Please tell me this is not happening.
By josephine wong suk mun
Warning: Photos are in a mess and not in order due to my nature =)

the kids with their coloured prayer chain

with pastor tan, the man behind the transformation of this village used by God

the team

outside the church which was our home for a week

My arm, which was bitten by mosquitoes

It was house visitations and we bumped into some kids, and they kept following us!

with brother ramasamy, our host for the lovely dinner prepared orang asli style

the team in charged of Children Ministry consisting Desmond, moi and Sin Hoong

the chicks were sooo cute!

the younger kids praying

and we are called to have childlike faith.

one of the sister churches in Gopeng

having one of our "budget" breakfast

one of the "manja"-est cat around

the rubber estate

the main church where the main service is usually held. also turned out to be our bedroom. we actually had mattresses! got to be the best mission trip ever.

our lawn *laughs*

I had one of the best times ever in the mission trip. It was my first time serving in Children Ministry and I actually had to do a story telling. It was so funny. Desmond wrote the script and it was supposed to be
angin kencang. Instead, I said
angin KENCING. And yes, the kids laughed.
Malunya... I am never good with kids. Even last time during VBS back in Ipoh, I almost want to strangle this boy. Somehow, I was forced to mix with the kids and it was tough at first as they were quite shy. Then after some time, they became friendly and much easier to play with them.
I learnt so much and I do not really know how to put everything into words. Looking at the orang asli community on how they live their lives, it made me think about my own life. It is this point in my life where I have to make choices that will mark my path for the future. I am still pretty much the same just that I learn to see things from a different perspective and being simple sometimes is actually the easiest.