words. words. WORDS. Feelings. Thoughts. Emotions.

came and gone

By josephine wong suk mun
That's it.


And hello.

By josephine wong suk mun
Its hard to believe that its been almost 4 months since being a uni student.

Its finally my convocation this weekend. Something I look towards since day one in university.

Its sort of like the convocation is the closure of my uni life. Or should I say the closure of one of the most significant chapter of my life.

Am I ready for this? Am I ready to move on?

what has been going on

By josephine wong suk mun
Some of the things we did throughout the boring classroom trainings...

Newsflash: Gideon Chan passed away due to a car accident. He was a student in Utar PJ. Met him during CF camp last year. Sadly, I only have vague memories of him. Kinda makes you think more about life when you realize someone you knew eventhough not close, went home to the Lord. People might think, what a waste to die at young age. In a way, maybe.
But to think deeper, he ran and finished the race that was planned out for him. I hope that will be my testimony one day.
On a happier note, I am going to be attached at Kota Damansara next week for the whole week!!!! I am very happy because I can sleep one and a half hour more. WooHoo! However, I will have to answer the checklist given to us, do a branch observation report, and an assignment which we have to present the coming week. Where am I going to find time to prepare as the weekend will be packed. Thank God, SK is attached at the same branch. I don't know how to do flow chart using excel. Thank God for engineering students! *smiles*
Classroom trainings are boring. Fortunately today there was something familiar. Forward contracts. Interesting. Treasury products. Boring. Except for the gold bars. The rest, I dozed off. I couldn't help it. Mr Ho was totally talking to himself and didn't even give any eye contact! The two MAs in treasury, an engineering and accounting student. Shouldn't they give it to finance students instead??? But I cannot make it into treasury. Haha. No life. Don't kill me, SK and David. I cannot imagine my life by waking up middle of the night to check the international market. Plus I am not smart enough to be there. *laughs*
And shout outs to two special couples, KingPui & Megan and HooiLi & Paul. Congratulations on your engagement! Too bad you guys are at overseas =( Please update us with pictures from your parties, yea?

By josephine wong suk mun

luncheon with CEO

By josephine wong suk mun
How was it? Not too bad. The food sucks though.

The day started with the arrival of HODs and also our director and CEO of UOBM. We were then handed our PDP and introduced to our mentors. It was as if I was practising for my upcoming convo. Went to the front, shook some hands and received the big file. Our mentors then took us to our respective divisions. For me, I went to the 7th floor, COMMERCIAL BANKING DIVISION. My mentor introduced the functions and the basic details about the division. Apparently our division is focused on three main branches namely, Medan Pasar, Jalan Othman and Klang.

Please don't send me to Klang! So far...

Anyways, back to my PDP. My whole 15months, where would I be stationed, what will I be doing, what will I have to learn, what will UOB EXPECT me to learn is stated in the whole file. So basically, I'll be rotating only at 3 places, HQ, Medan Pasar and Jalan Othman. Looks like next month onwards I will have to take public transport instead of driving. The only available parking spaces at HQ is pretty far away and I will have to walk very very far. what if I have to stay back at office? Er... no thanks. Also Medan Pasar, I doubt theres a place for my car. *sighs*

Taking the lrt is tiring =(

Some pictures from the day.

goofing around with some of the HODs

(l-r) celine, moi, HODs: oon, alex, sowyoke, kan, yong, mike and shilin

the three MAs in Commercial Banking

the whole team

(l-r) front: mike, celine, shilin, me, zing, amy, singpei, aiyoon, dany

back: sk, hk, kk, kevin, david

missing from the picture: faye, justin, ben, vivien, daniel

The corporate bankers were warned to keep their alcohol consumption level high. A few of the HODs agreed to that even for us commercial bankers as we will be dealing with lots of SMEs. The good news is we will be invited to drink whenever the singapore management comes over for their annual meeting or don't know what. I am alcoholic, I know! I seriously need to go on a strict diet regime which includes lots of healthy food and exercise. I want to take up salsa. Woohoo!


By josephine wong suk mun
I change my mind pretty fast. Yesterday was all the motivational talk and thoughts. Now? Negative thoughts!

I think I am so not financially stable. I want to buy a car. Mine is breaking down, maintaining it kills me. How? I don't know. Perhaps I should stop driving to work. Perhaps I should skip lunch and dinner everyday. Or just eat plain gardenia bread. But thats fattening. Dilemma dilemma. Or maybe I shouldn't go out socializing. Or flirts with men to get them to pay for everything. But I don't want to be like that! How to choose between your principles and lifestyle?

Training is going to be in federal hotel the whole week. I do not like it there. The toilet sucks. Always cannot flush. I met nicole and phooi mun at training as they are part of the PRIVILLEGE BANKING MANAGEMENT TRAINEE or PBMT. What a small world.

I am looking forward for tomorrow as us MA/FL get to meet with our CEO and also our mentors! The Personal Development Programme (PDP) will be handed out to us tomorrow too. I think I am more anxious about that. Its going to be my plans for the next 15 months in UOBM. Apparently I have to be focus at all times tomorrow as in, cannot daydream or just stone. We are supposed to ask our mentors questions, get to know them and all throughout lunch. We'll be going to our respective divisions too! I'll probably see lots of AAs in my division. Haha.

By josephine wong suk mun
Do you remember when was the last time you procrastinated?

I remember mine. I think it was an hour ago.

I mentioned about the motivation classes I had last week. Honestly, I always think motivational classes are bogus. I never really like attending such, but I supposed as age is catching up, you'll think quite differently. I am really motivated to change the way I am living my life right now. Theres a lot of changes and I do not expect things to happen in a snap. I am taking things slow, with God's guidance of course.

What are the areas I want to change? Well, basically physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I want to be fit. Well, will still try to succeed in my weight loss program but I will not cut down my food intake drastically. However, I do skip dinner as I am too tired and lazy to prepare or even buy food. I think its alright because I eat a lot throughout the whole day. What I will try to pursue is to eat healthier, take more greens and less meat, less salt and sugar too. Alcohol consumption, hmm... I will try to cut down, slowly.

I got to face it. I am an emotional creature. I do and say a lot of things randomly. I do things according to my feelings often too. I am going to try to practice using my head more than my heart. People and situations that I tried running away from, I guess now its the time to end it all.

I want to build a closer relationship with God. I want to focus more on serving in church in any ways I can, spend more time with God's Word and also fellowship with God's children.

How should I start? I think with a new template for my blog for a whole new look. Guess its time to get rid of old pictures and put on the new ones! Probably later. Wait till I get my pictures.

Am I procrastinating again? Oops.


By josephine wong suk mun


By josephine wong suk mun
We drew some pictures today.

My vision of the future.

I drew a study room of mine where I have a big bookshelf. On the floor was a doggie bowl as I would like to have a dog in the future. When I am married, that is. On the wall, pictures of my family and kids, appreciation certs from all sorts and also awards from my corporate career. There are also pictures of places I've been for mission work and the work done there. I really wish that would be how my study room looks like in 30 years time.

We did more on motivation and lastly, we were asked to face our fears. So therefore, we wrote down some of them in a plank board.

Haha.. .to name a few....

Then, HAIYA! *with a karate chop*

WITH MY BARE HANDS!!! Its not fake!

UOB MA/FL 2008

By josephine wong suk mun

It was our 3rd day...