I change my mind pretty fast. Yesterday was all the motivational talk and thoughts. Now? Negative thoughts!
I think I am so not financially stable. I want to buy a car. Mine is breaking down, maintaining it kills me. How? I don't know. Perhaps I should stop driving to work. Perhaps I should skip lunch and dinner everyday. Or just eat plain gardenia bread. But thats fattening. Dilemma dilemma. Or maybe I shouldn't go out socializing. Or flirts with men to get them to pay for everything. But I don't want to be like that! How to choose between your principles and lifestyle?
Training is going to be in federal hotel the whole week. I do not like it there. The toilet sucks. Always cannot flush. I met nicole and phooi mun at training as they are part of the PRIVILLEGE BANKING MANAGEMENT TRAINEE or PBMT. What a small world.
I am looking forward for tomorrow as us MA/FL get to meet with our CEO and also our mentors! The Personal Development Programme (PDP) will be handed out to us tomorrow too. I think I am more anxious about that. Its going to be my plans for the next 15 months in UOBM. Apparently I have to be focus at all times tomorrow as in, cannot daydream or just stone. We are supposed to ask our mentors questions, get to know them and all throughout lunch. We'll be going to our respective divisions too! I'll probably see lots of AAs in my division. Haha.
I think I am so not financially stable. I want to buy a car. Mine is breaking down, maintaining it kills me. How? I don't know. Perhaps I should stop driving to work. Perhaps I should skip lunch and dinner everyday. Or just eat plain gardenia bread. But thats fattening. Dilemma dilemma. Or maybe I shouldn't go out socializing. Or flirts with men to get them to pay for everything. But I don't want to be like that! How to choose between your principles and lifestyle?
Training is going to be in federal hotel the whole week. I do not like it there. The toilet sucks. Always cannot flush. I met nicole and phooi mun at training as they are part of the PRIVILLEGE BANKING MANAGEMENT TRAINEE or PBMT. What a small world.
I am looking forward for tomorrow as us MA/FL get to meet with our CEO and also our mentors! The Personal Development Programme (PDP) will be handed out to us tomorrow too. I think I am more anxious about that. Its going to be my plans for the next 15 months in UOBM. Apparently I have to be focus at all times tomorrow as in, cannot daydream or just stone. We are supposed to ask our mentors questions, get to know them and all throughout lunch. We'll be going to our respective divisions too! I'll probably see lots of AAs in my division. Haha.