words. words. WORDS. Feelings. Thoughts. Emotions.

By josephine wong suk mun
My first meal of the day. Ramlee burger. Tasted pretty awful today, could be because of the butterflies in my stomach.

First paper for this finals. Macroeconomics II. Sucky, if you ask me. Spent whole two hours and a half trying to figure out what were the questions asking. Yes, practically analyzing the English used. I have a phobia for trick questions, no thanks to my younger years in earlier education. Anyways, the anxiety of taking this paper caused me not to have a proper digestion. Tsk tsk. The things I have to go through for an examination paper.

So, three more papers left to go. Don’t feel good about this examination at all. Somehow, the feeling of me sitting for supplementary paper haunts me. Am trying to keep a positive view about things, relaxing all I want, going for dips in the pool on a sunny day.

But wait…

I can’t.

Tons of work waiting for me! Maybe not tons, but it sure looks like it. The CF accounts are in a mess and the annual financial report is due end of May.


That is like the 1st week of next semester. I am free then, but my officer is not. Trying to finish it amidst of my exams. Wished I can sound more about it, but… wouldn’t want to make it as an obligation. (Right, God?)

I want to be on holiday. Now.

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