words. words. WORDS. Feelings. Thoughts. Emotions.

By josephine wong suk mun
Two weeks left to my study break =)

So what have I been doing to fully utilize my free time, although I am not exactly free, shouldn't be free... but to do my revision! Oh well. I worked part-time as a promoter, easy job and I get to earn money while dreaming. The bad side would be standing the whole day while friends enjoying themselves... without me.

I could say my past week consists of fever, flu, cough, communing with nature and people... Oh yeah, I am back in Ipoh. Doing nothing special, which is obvious since I can have the time to blog. Been eating extremely alot, and I do mean A LOT. Yes, I am already feeling the weight. Shucks, think I'll continue some other time. Not really in the mood, sleepy.

To a friend, however...

get well soon

I think I might have spread the germs to you.

Heh. Sorry.

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