words. words. WORDS. Feelings. Thoughts. Emotions.


By josephine wong suk mun
Yes, I am sad. Not only my emotions but so is my life. At times.

Would things be easier if I look at life simpler? I can have a million things running through my mind day and night but not able to come out with a solution. Sometimes my mind works hard even when I am sleeping!

Nightmares just make you grumpy. I don't know why. I hate having such dreams, dreams that I thought I have left behind long ago. When will they stop haunting me?

I need to feel God's love so much right now. Where is Him when you need Him the most? Standard answer would be: Hes always there, you just have to believe.

BAH. I already knew that answer. I knew it so well till it became like a knowledge. Its like consuming drugs will kill you. Its already something that was planted into the back of your head long long ago. I'll end up rationalizing. Isn't faith something that you cannot rationalize?

So there you have it, the fine line of faith and doubt.

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous August 2, 2008 at 12:15 AM
    I'm jz so feeling like wht u are now...

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